Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Jazz have struggled...

Last night the San Antonio Spurs took on the Jazz at home, and welp, we got walloped. Well, I suppose not entirely walloped, but hurt. We "got hurt bad-and we don't hurt easily". Except that that is false as well...we always have injuries. Which is exactly exactly why we got walloped/hurt last night. They fought a fair fight, and Memo and Williams made some good points, so I guess all is not lost, but let's hope they can pick it up and start winning again. My heart is with ya jazz. I heart Kyle Korver.
kellie...the owner of this blog.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Hello my new blog!!

Well, if you haven't guessed, I Kellie, am the new owner of this here polka dot blog. I will think of funny everyday life events to write upon this page and share with any who would like to read it. What a great success! Therefore, I hope that my life starts having some fun little events, or this will be one L.A.M.E. blog. I vow to keep it interesting. This may be the start of a new daring and adventurous way of life for me...ooooh how exciting. For now, farewell fellow blogggggers!