Monday, March 29, 2010

I don't really like baseball.

This is how you hold a baseball to throw a curve ball.

Clayton Kershaw throws a mean curve ball.
Ben Sheets is also good at throwing curve balls.

Ya know who else is great at throwing curve balls.


Yes. That bully/best friend we call life.

Sometimes we love love love Life's curve balls. Sometimes we hate them.
Ya know the dilemma of today? I don't know whether to hate it or love it.
I'm stuck. But I can't just sit here in the line of fire of said curve ball forever or I'm gonna
get nailed right smack in the nose with the dang thing.

Sometimes you wish things worked out exactly how you planned or wanted them to. But then they don't. But time goes by, and life progresses and THEN your are all sorts of grateful that they didn't. And you like how things turned out so much better than they would have if you got your way. But then, a curve ball comes your way and changes everything. And you may end up getting what you wanted after all, but now it's even better. Or maybe not. It depends I guess.

How good are you at catching curve balls?

Oh, Life. You're so funny sometimes. You should go into stand up. You'd do really well. Anyone concur?

Friday, March 12, 2010

From complex carbohydrates.

So my life is pretty full lately. A lot lot lot going on. How bout some highlights? Ok.

  • I to teach P.E. to kindergartners at Park Elementary. It's like trying to make caffeinated jello do jumping jacks. Oh my gosh. All structure goes straight out the window and your standard for success drops down to making sure no one is crying, dead, or yelling. If you can do that, well, congrats, you made it. Better luck this week huh?
  • Tomorrow is the rex lee run! Also, I'm going to do the Provo Half Marathon May 1st if anyone wants in on it as well? Jake Cannon and I are going try and train for it, and some really important miles are during finals, so I hope we're ready in time!
  • I simply love emilie laura jackie lucille wright and allison suzette hancock.
  • Lots of great things happening in my friends lives. Congrats on the baby Berkeley(even though it was a while ago...) and Arista, the mission calls jade, wernsie, sarah, and erica, and the engagements sarah , katy, josh, jonathan, scott, jmac, kels, mindy, kevin, paige, colton!!!! yep, tis the season I guess. The next couple months will be quite the party! :)
  • taxes. I love getting money back from a tax return, but filing is just so complicated, and paying taxes bites. That's a def love/hate relationship. But something inside me feels all grown up and responsible while filing my taxes.
  • I have not been eating sugar lately, and I wanna die. I miss my old friend glucose, maybe someday when I'm a super fast runner and super skinny we might make acquaintances again. I hope so. but in the mean time I've been becoming great friends with veggies and whole wheat. It's funny how much better you feel actually. I would recommend a good healthy reconstructing of what you eat, it does wonders for ya. And it really gives ya peace of mind knowing all your wonderful little innards are being taken good care of.
  • On monday I teach my class a dance I made up, in our math class we're working on a project with our textbook entitled "The Number Devil". Our refrigerator looks like a 1st grader lives there because of my wonderful art projects. I am playing the part of Royal Magician Number 1 in Drama. Yep, I'm slowly becoming a real live teacher. I love it. And I know my roommates secretly do to. :)
  • Kyle comes home in Six months. Wow.
  • I can't wait for BBQ. I love that the weather is warming up!
  • I want to try and be a more classy dresser. So I have considered purchasing a brown cardigan. Nothin says classy like a cardigan right? But here's my shopping complex that I've developed. 1- I have to go to at least three stores, usually more, to find the best selection/prices. 2- Then I have to think about it for at least five days. In that five days I must analyze my current wardrobe and find at least four or five solid uses for it-something it will match or go well with so I know I would wear it often. For shoes they have to match 75% of my stuff. Some things can pass that test while I'm at a store, so that speeds up the process to about two days of think time. 3- But then it has to go up against "the list", which is a list of other things I have been wanting to buy lately, in order of priority from what I want/need most down to what's just a daydream. If this item isn't in the top five then it's usually a forgotten cause. Yes, this is the psychological road trip that happens with 90% of clothes I buy. I think it's a pretty solid strategy. Welcome to my thought process :) Now none of you will ever want to go shopping with me. Sorry sorta...
  • Welp, time to get back to math. Thank you for reading and being updated on my lifetime. Next time there will be pics for sure.