Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Just a friendly little hello. or two.

Hello October.
Hello pumpkins.
Hello leaves.
Hello apple spice EVERYTHING!
I love fall very most.

Hello also to lots of homework.

Hello five bagillion thank you notes that we are working on getting out. But how cool is that that we have five bagillion awesome friends that were so kind to us at our wedding. Thank you you five bagillion people, you! we love you most too. It's possible to love two things most. I promise.
Hello Salt Lake School district. I shall be with you in about two weeks. Who votes I might pee my pants the first day because I'm scared of kids? For the El Ed program we are going to be in the classrooms every day for about a month. I was assigned Salt Lake. Which means having to leave the house at 7am every day. Hello alarm clock.

Hello to my new devotion to undo what genetics has done and break my addiction to sugar. We have a Wentz gene where we are completely addicted to sugar, and crave it probably more than most people. It's funny sometimes to talk about, but I don't want dumb sweets to rule my lifetime. You always feel so sluggish and gross after eating treats, you remind yourself that you're never doing that again-until that feeling goes away. But seriously, when have you ever eaten a carrot and regretted it? The answer is never. Cause you don't feel awful, you feel like you just ate a little piece of life, and your insides thank you for looking out for their long term well being. So at least till halloween, I'm gonna have to break up with my beloved glucose. For health's sake. That's what, like 20 days? I can try that. I think that's possible. goodbye deliciousness. hello healthier kellie's innards.

Hello to NBA basketball season coming up. Hello Jazz. Please don't stink this year.

Hello to my attempt to be more charitable and less judgmental thanks to General Conference. I've fallen into an awful habit of being so critical of people and so quick to make judgments. That's not who I want to be-I want to be someone who assumes the best of someone, or who is patient and helpful to those who need it. I've been a little isolated in my own little world, and that's not how a Latter Day Saint should live. Read this talk by President Monson from the Relief Society meeting- http://lds.org/conference/talk/display/0,5232,23-1-1298-39,00.html
You'll understand why I'm feeling the need to improve this. I think we all can a little. I think I would be happier if I did. So I shall. I can have a happier spirit along with a happier body. :)
Good ol' Conference. I loved every second of it.

Well, goodbye procrastination technique, aka blog of mine.
Hello Chapter 9 of "The Study of Language"....