Today is a monumental day! I finished my last class EVER at BYU! All I have now is student teaching for fall semester and I'm DONE!!!! FINISHED!!!! wooooo!!!! But no more coordinating homework for 8 classes, and tests and finals. I survived. Oh man. And now I get one sole focus: Student teaching. Yessss. I now have two and a half weeks before I have any more school obligations-the longest break I've had since last august. I've gone straight through fall, winter, spring, summer, and now I'll have fall as my grand finale.
I told Kyle I was done with class and tests and homework, and he texted me back- "congrats! Now you have the rest of your life to inflict those things on other people". Ha, I couldn't put it better.
Student teaching will still be madness, and the teacher work sample will be lots of work, but it will be doing what I love, and all about teaching kids.
Let's pray to high heaven that I get placed in a close school...that would be awesome since we're doing the whole one car thing. I love riding my bike, but it would be a wee bit difficult if I am wearing skirts every day.
Next week is Camp Kesem too-that will be awesome. It's a camp for kids whose parents have, or have had cancer. They come up to Camp Kastopolus in Salt Lake, cost free to them, and get to just play and have fun with other kids in similar situations who are dealing with the same things. Their parents get a week to themselves, and the kids get to play their hearts out-and we get to help them have fun! Lorren and I are in charge of arts and crafts- I'm pumped. I'll stick some pics up of our beautiful creations.
Oh ya we moved! It's AWESOME!!!! I have not killed one earwig yet! And the sink comes out of the counter, not the wall. And get this- THERE ARE WINDOWS!!! WOOO!! You wake up in the morning to NATURAL light coming in through the blinds. It's like the sun saying "hello! I've missed you! Let me just kiss you good morning old friend!". I love it. I'm so happy with it.
Also, I am pleased to announce that today I have my first sunburn of the summer! Ya, I'm a little behind, it's mid-august, but I've been kind of dominated by classes-not much time for sunburns ya know? We went to seven peaks finally, and it was a blast. and my shoulders are screaming for aloe vera. No matter how much sunscreen you put on, they still get the brunt of the burning. It symbolizes the start of summer vacation for me though- I have two and a half precious weeks to fit in a summer's worth of party, and the season's first sunburn is the kickoff! WOO!!!! I'll think I shall go eat some ice cream now. or an otter pop. or both. and wear shorts. life is wonderful.
How To Make A Diy Twin Bed
1 week ago