Monday, August 17, 2009

work today. what a day.

Hey so this is kelly thomson. I work with him. he is boy kelly and I am girl kellie. and it's convenient that we spell it differently. Oh and we have another kellie. This is kellie cash.She is also girl kellie. So things get a little crazy sometimes as far as identification is concerned. Usually in the office when someon says "kelly/ie" we all just assume they are talking about boy kelly. He just seems to be more popular to talk to than us. Or sometimes people will say kelldawgalicious. He goes by that too. Anyway. Kelly has a blog, and on his blog he wrote a post about things he hates that people say. I totally agreed with them too. And then we started talking about it in the office, and brittany said I say "um" alot. So now I'm self conscious about saying "um". If you hear me say it, hit me. I want to stop it. Well so Kelly asked if I had updated by blog lately, and I said no. So he told me I should. and I said what should I write about? and he said I should write about things I hate, just like he did. I feel bad writing a hater blog post, but there is one thing I hate that I thought of. So this ones for you boy kelly.

I hate kobe bryant. a lot. I'm not even gonna put his picture up just so no one sees it and gets the wrong idea that I like him.

Thanks kelly. I feel better now. hope you enjoy this post. in fact. you should write a comment about it! :) I love comments.

1 comment:

  1. Great post Kellie! being a Kelly/ie is great. Most of the time I'm hostile towards girls with my name, but not you. Nothing personal that just comes from being teased all my life because of my name, but the record shows that Kelly originated as a boy's name. I guess you won me over with your charm and positive energy.
