Saturday, February 6, 2010

Hello Saturday.

I LOVE these things.

I want to be a cowgirl. I know that's realistic, but I at least don't want to end up in a big city. I want to live somewhere with wheat fields and a sense of community. I want to put up our own wood slat fence in my backyard someday. I want to plant a garden, and sit on the porch on summer nights and look at the stars and talk to neighbors walking past. Mostly I want to run through a field of sunflowers in a flowy skirt and the country air in my face. Yesssss. Someday I will find me a field of sunflowers. If you come across any in these parts of provo utah you better let me know! Cause I want to find it, and frolick through it and take pictures of it in the sunset.

A few weeks ago we had a stake barn dance in a real barn in spanish fork. Oh my lands, dream come true. Yay for barns. I love barns. and the smell of dirt and wood, and dancing! It was one of the funnest ward/stake activities I've ever been to.

Aren't my roommates adorable? Yes, yes they are. I am so blessed to be at the Elms again with these awesome girls. I am so blessed to be at the Elms, period. I love it. and ya know what else I love? Good conversation. Like the kind where you feel like you really know that person a whole lot better after. I've realized I peg people for certain things, as in what they probably like or dislike or how they think. I love when you have a good chat with someone and realize they aren't quite what you thought. I don't realize how impressed I am with someone until after time like that together, and then I start to understand what they are all about-and I'm quite impressed. I love people I can talk to really easily, and who are good at having balanced conversation back and forth-not just dominating it and talking about themselves. It's really nice when you feel like they have genuine interest in your opinions as well. That is a sure fire fun time, and I love learning about people I didn't know very well before! I had one of these conversations last night. It was so much fun, and I had no idea such amazing people were out there, but it's a refreshing thing to discover. Three cheers for awesome people. They enrich my life and make me want to be better. Thank you all you awesome people you!

1 comment:

  1. Amen to all you said, and thanks for being an awesome person for the rest of us to get to know!
