Hello. It's me, once again, as the title of this blog implies. I have been thinking...and therefore I shall share my thoughts on this here bloggy blog. Ok, here is my thought...
I have made a wonderful realization that I am more or less a composite of the people around me. Each of my quirky little personality traits is simply something I have picked up from someone else. I love meeting new people, even if I may never see them again in my life, I feel like just meeting someone new has enriched my life in some way. Maybe I am too impressionable, but people leave me different. Like little kids that repeat everything you say, I catch mannerisms, phrases, theories, or even just smiles that people aren't meaning to send me, they are just being themselves. I am so grateful for this though, cause how boring would I be if I were just...the original me? I guess I might be cool, but I like myself a lot more as an accumulation of the imprints others have left on my little heart-and how would I ever know what the original me was like when I have such awesome influential people around me.
People do things that I notice and say, "Wow, I want to be like that!" Just to name a few...I want to make friends and be involved cause of Nicole, I say "dude" all the time cause of dan, I pay attention to lyrics cause of kristi. I try to consider people's needs and plan well cause of sylvia, I try to be loyal cause of Em, I want to learn to speak in public cause of Lisa. I learn to love the little things cause of staish, and I want to be good with domestic things cause of kate. I want to be unselfish like kyle and steve, I want to be random and funny like kallie and natalie. I want to focus on people's feelings like Aaron, and be grateful like sarah. I want to be enthusiastic like brad, but a deep thinker like allie. I try to eat healthier cause of mindy, and I want to be a good student like jay. I want to follow the jazz cause emily does, and I want to go on a mission like holly and kim. I want to laugh like my mom, and go the extra mile like sandra.
I couldn't list all of the things like this cause there are FAR too many, and I could never say thank you enough for all the many ways the people I know have affected me. You have all truly changed my life for the better whether you know it or not. I'm lucky to know such cool people. :)
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