Wednesday, April 7, 2010

This week so pictures.

Well, classes end next week. Consequently this week and last week have been a little crazy. Here's a little pictoral representation of my current life...

My pile of homework still to do looks about like this....

The weather has felt a lot like this...

I have gotten four of these (which is a total injustice, I'm still bitter)...

I feel a LOT like this...

but also a little bit of this...

I'm addicted to these...

I've been hanging around with him...

I have high hopes for these guys here in the next few weeks...

I got a summer job here!...

Oh and I LOVED this...

loved loved loved it. :)

Welp, that about sums it up. Happy Wednesday. :)


  1. Loved your post in pictures. Hang in there Kellie!!

  2. I love this! How fun! I wish everyone talked in pictures.

  3. dear friend,

    i think you are so swell. and i love these pictures. and you.
